2-Day Chichicastenango and Lake Atitlan Tour from Guatemala City or Antigua

(3 Reviews )


clock2 days


    The trip consists of a visit to the open market of Chichicastenango on the first day. On the second day you will be visiting Panajachel and Lake Atitlan on a boat.

    In Chichicastenango you will be able to explore the indigenous market and be witness of the incessant exchange of fruits, vegetables and handicrafts between local people and foreigners.

    Lake Atitlán was formed when a volcanic caldera depleted of its magma. Three stately volcanoes, Atitlan, Tolimán and San Pedro rise gracefully from its southern shore, their perfect cones reflected in the azure mirror of the lake. Weaving made and worn by the Maya-Tzutujil and Cakchiquel women who live around the lake and many of the men also wear traditional, hand-woven clothing.

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