2-Day Small-Group Stockholm Hiking Tours

(5 Reviews )


clock2 days


    The Swedish forests are so widely spread that you hardly encounter anyone. Resourceful, beautiful and peaceful, the forest soothes, refreshes and invigorates you in no time! Wilderness and lakes of pure water cover a great part of the country. Therefore, a unique wildlife experience is possible, giving you a greater chance to spot Nordic animals such as elks, owls, beavers, deers and many more. Hiking in Sweden allows you to experience the wilderness with clearer senses, noticing smells and specific sounds due to being away from any urban distractions.

    In this two-day program, we bring you into the wild, across huge forests and around clear-watered lakes. We are self sufficient during the whole trip, which means camping in the wilderness and cooking our food on wood fire which we build together. We are going to progress as a team and everyone should participate to the good proceedings of the hike. Each of you need to carry your own pack of camping gear, food and personal effects.

What to Expect


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