We'll start our experience in Marina de Cascais, just next to the alluring Cascais Bay. The Marina opens to this glamorous and picturesque bay and once here, you’ll admire beautiful, luxury yachts anchored among typical local sailing boats, since this is. All this scenery will have glamorous old royalty palaces as well as beautiful sandy beaches as the background. At this time, and along the tour, a more detailed historical context will be given by your awesome, local, friendly crew! Then we'll set sail towards Estoril, scenery for the first James Bond movie. We’ll then continue, exploring the sea next to the rocky coast with some splendid, almost private, beaches heading to the famous Carcavelos Beach where we'll change our course 180º, now heading to Boca do Inferno (Devil’s Mouth). From here It’s time to return to our berth at Marina de Cascais with a last chance to admire Cascais Bay just before entering the Marina.