With busy lives and an environment full of pollutants, it can be hard to find balance in today’s world. But a stay at Waterberry Lodge in Livingstone, Gwisho Hotsprings in Monze and Chaminuka Nature Reserve in Lusaka promises to restore the balance by offering a holistic program specially designed to alleviate stress and maintain optimum health through healthy eating, exercise and pampering.
You can expect to nourish your physical, spiritual and emotional self at Gwisho Hotsprings Wellness Palace and Chaminuka Nature Reserve. You will leave with clarity of mind, direction, a feeling of health and wellbeing and a desire to make positive, permanent changes in your life.
Other best attractions inside the Lochinvar Park, a renowned bird haven (1)The Gwisho hot springs raises the hot water to a height of one kilometer and the temperature shots to between 60° C to 90 °C.
(2)Sabanzi Hill and Baobab Tree (3) Chunga Lagoon (4) Baobab Tree