(Price per vehicle 4-Pax) Aqaba Transfer to/from King Hussein Bridge


clock4 hours


    King Hussein Bridge or the Prophet's bridge connecting the West Bank of Jordan over the Jordan River, 60 km from Amman and 5 km from Jericho, 273 meters below sea level, used as a border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank, the bridge was wooden then railing and then renovated to a modern cement bridge, and I witness the bridge wood The old ones crossed and groans displaced during the setback to the east bank of the Jordan River.

    After the Treaty of Wadi Araba

    After the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, the bridge was modernized and became a temple. It also became the main crossing point between Jordan and the West Bank and became the crossing point for Palestinian pilgrims on their way to Mecca, and the airport authority in Israel became responsible for the bridge,

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