Behind-the-Scenes at Petco Park Tour

(215 Reviews )


clock1 hour 20 minutes


    Explore America's #1 Ballpark on one of our daily guided tours. As you go behind-the-scenes you will discover "writer's row" in the press box, sit in a major league dugout, peek inside the Visitors' Clubhouse and learn more about baseball in San Diego through the Padres Hall of Fame presented by Sony. Your journey doesn't stop there as you enter the Breitbard Hall of Fame which honors athletes who have excelled athletically in San Diego or who are native San Diegans who have achieved athletic fame elsewhere. Experience the ballpark as only players and staff do and while supplies last, a Padres souvenir face mask is provided with each tour ticket.

    Field Warning Track
    Major League Dugout
    Visitors' Clubhouse
    Press Box
    Private Luxury Suite
    Historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building
    Park at the Park
    The Breitbard Hall of Fame
    Padres Hall of Fame presented by Sony

    *All tour stops are subject to change depending upon Petco Park schedule and area availability.

What to Expect


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Ticket Information

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Departure Inofrmation
