The Guide is what makes the experience unique during every journey. In today's world, where most information is easily accessible throughtout the internet or books, it takes more than that to make the trip interesting and absorbing. It's the atmosphere, the connection and first and foremost - passion.
And this is what we would like to offer you today. A fun and engaging way to explore the City, it's history and traditions. Let us know what interests you the most so we can tailor the trip to your need.
Is it Architecture- We are in a city that's over one thousand years old.
Is it the history of war- The 1st world war washed over this City and the 2nd World War originated here.
You are on vacation ! Just leave all your troubles behind and trust us as we really love what we do.
Get here to Gda-sk, grab our bike and let's go! Allow us to share the love we have for our city with you.
The only thing you need to bring with you is a smile!