Cebu Canyoneering + Whale Shark Watching

(2 Reviews )


clock14 hours


    A tour package that will let you experience fun with the whale sharks, Canyoneering Adventure, and Kawasan Falls in Cebu, Philippines.
    You will enjoy watching and swimming with the very friendly whale sharks and if you are lucky, you can also see a sea turtle and colorful fishes which are swimming with them. Another tour activity which is more on adventure. Be excited to do Canyoneering in Badian, one of the most famous tour activities in Cebu. Canyoneering activity will let you scramble, climb, jump, rappel, and swim through the rugged but scenic cliffs of Badian. It might be tiring but it is really fun and worth it to be done. And also, the endpoint of the Canyoneering Activity is the Kawasan Falls which has a three-stage cascading waterfall and considered as one of the most beautiful falls in the entire Philippines. Create unforgettable memories with these tour activities together with the assistance of our local tour guides.

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