Classic Pompeii with an Archaeologist by Bullet Train from Rome


clock2 hours


    Why does the story of the cataclysm that befell Pompeii capture the imagination of generations? Perhaps because navigating Pompeiian streets today, where life was subsumed by superheated pyroclastic surges that dealt slow death to all, has new, mortal meaning. Seismological monitoring indicates that the next major eruption of Pompeii's natural nemesis, Vesuvius, is close at hand.

    Pompeii leaves a profound impression upon all who venture therein, it represents humanity, empathy, and grief. Where does the real appeal lie? Is this the point at which we reveal the true origin of our innate, insatiable appetite for destruction?

    Your archaeologist guide will walk you through the story of Pompeii step by step, using unique vantage points from which unrivalled views of iconic ruins are realized. Ultimately, the experience is a 360° reanimation of life in antiquity cut down by fate.

    Your day in Pompeii concludes in comfort once again on the bullet train back to Rome.

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