Cultural Temple Tour by Orange Robe Tours

(29 Reviews )


clock1 hour


    Orange Robe Tours recommend that visitors do both tours (Cultural Temple Tour and Guided Meditation Experience) combined to gain a full understanding and appreciation of Buddhist Culture in Laos.

    Our Cultural Temple Tour, led by a former Buddhist Novice or Monk, includes a guided tour of a local temple, focusing on Buddhist culture, architecture, temple etiquette and the daily life of Novices and Monks.

    This is your opportunity to find out everything you would like to know about Buddhism in Laos from a first-hand source.

    Orange Robe Tours is a profit-for-purpose social enterprise, based in Luang Prabang, Laos. We employ former Novices and Monks who have recently left the temple to give culturally appropriate tours to tourists, providing much-needed support during their transition from temple life to layperson life, while preserving the traditional culture and customs of Laos. A portion of all profits is donated to the surrounding temples included in the cultural tours.

What to Expect


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Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation
