Daily private tour to Garni temple,Geghard monastery

(1 Reviews )


clock5 to 6 hours


    Private tour to Garni( the Pagan temple), Geghard and Arch of Charents.

    During the tour to Garni,Geghard we will visit:

    -to the only pagan temple of Garni. The structure was built by king Tiridates I in the first century AD as a temple to the sun god Mihr. After Armenia's conversion to Christianity in the early fourth century, it was converted into a royal summer house of Khosrovidukht, the sister of Tiridates III.

    - Geghard - “Ayrivank” (“cave monastery”). The main chapel was built in 1215, the monastery complex was founded in the 4th century by Gregory the Illuminator at the site of a sacred spring inside a cave. The monastery had thus been originally named Ayrivank, meaning "the Monastery of the Cave".

    - Arch of Charents. From there opens a beautiful view to Mount Ararat.

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