Day Trip Kikuletwa Hot Spring


clock8 hours


    Kikuletwa Hot Springs also known as Rundugai hot water springs or Chemka hot springs are an unexpected paradise hidden in the desert scrub outside the town of Boma

    Situated about 71 km from Arusha They are an extraordinary phenomenon, rushing up from underground in the middle of parched and dusty landscape. In fact, the water is not hot rather it is a pleasant temperature! This is a good place to visit for a picnic and a swim too. And the views of Kilimanjaro on a clear day are also fabulous. Unfortunately, the water is full of fluoride which means the local people can’t use it for drinking. The crystal-clear, turquoise waters surrounded by palm trees and winding roots offer a picturesque spot for a relaxing afternoon swim.

    The spring is actually rather big and over 6 meters deep in some places although you can see the bottom through the crystal clear waters no matter where you are.

    You can have as much fun or relaxation as your heart desires and your mind and body needs.

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