Dublin's Literary History: Private Off The Beaten Path Walking Tour


clock2 hours 30 minutes


    Explore the beautiful city of Dublin and its fascinating literary history and culture. Dublin is recognized by UNESCO as a City of Literature, thanks to a large number of writers, poets and dramatists it has produced over the centuries, from Jonathan Swift to Oscar Wilde, WB Yeats to Samuel Beckett, Bram Stoker to James Joyce. See where these literary luminaries lived on Merrion Square and visit the pubs and bookshops they frequented.

    Your guide will show you the status of Wilde and Yeats, and stop for some stories and photos outside the magnificent St Patrick’s Cathedral, where Jonathan Swift is buried. Visit Sweny’s Pharmacy and pop your head into the illustrious and very grand coffee shop of Bewley’s on Grafton Street, an inspiring place for Joyce to write! See all the places in Dublin that inspired these literary legends as you hear the stories of their lives and works. Walk over the river and end at the Winding Stair Restaurant & Bookstore.

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