Dubrovnik Early Bird Walking Tour

(180 Reviews )


clock1 hour 30 minutes


    Dubrovnik became very popular over the last few years and it is almost impossible to see the real beauty of our city during the summer months. The reason why you should join us on this tour is to get the real feeling of this city.

    Let us use the first light of the sun for a tour in the old town.

    We will walk through the maze of narrow streets while the town is still sleeping and you will experience real Dubrovnik without the usual crowds. 8 am is the time when all the restaurants are still closed and you can see how the town is preparing for the day to come.

    We start walking over the shiny main street that you can only see empty early in the morning and get the real feel of its beauty. By using hidden corners you will explore history,legends and curiosities. On our walk you will see all main monuments and have an introduction for your stay in Dubrovnik that will help you to plan your days and take the best out of it.

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