
(9 Reviews )


clock3 days


    this is a wonderful opportunity to see wildlife in it's natural habitat and our guide will make every effort to ensure you see as much as possible keeping your safety in mind. How many places are there that you can see chimps in their normal habitat up close- Kuntaur Island is in the Gambia river and the boatride is a peaceful journey along this beautiful river alive with wildlife.The Gambia is a birdwatchers' paradise and our guide has travelled extensively to find the best birding sites. You will also visit parts of The Gambia you would otherwise not see and experience the lives of the warm and friendly people who will be delighted you have visited their villages. The ferry ride is an interesting experience in itself seeing people in their colourful clothes laden with goods -mainly carried on their heads - going about their normal lives. A visit to Helping charity lodge gives money for education and local projects on the north bank where they rarely see tourists.

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