Golden Bridge & Ba Na Hills Private Guided Tour with Chauffeur

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    Experience the world-acclaimed Golden Bridge & Ba Na Hills with this tour

    - Marvel the unspoiled jungle view from Ba Na Hills cable car ride, the highest and longest cable car system in the world. It is 5,801m long and 1,368m high, which are both world records.

    - Nested at 1,414m from the sea level, the Golden Bridge stands as an iconic architectural wonder that envisages the sash-like route across heaven. Spanning nearly 150m long in the Paradise Garden, this bridge is regarded as a special sight for every visitor.

    - Strolling in the zen-like La Jardin d' Amour garden and browse the fine wines at Debay Wine Cellar around the French village

    - Give your taste buds a tour with the delicious Vietnamese cuisine buffet lunch included in our price, vegan friendly options, couple and family-friendly atmosphere.

    - Dopamine-inducing rides and activities at Fantasy Park and French Village - a centerpiece of Ba Na Hills

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