Gothic Quarter's deepest secrets & Sangria

(103 Reviews )


clock3 hours


    Introduce yourself to Barcelona with a fascinating walking tour through the historic City Center where you will learn everything you need to know about Catalonian history, the Spanish civil war, culture, art, religion, politics , traditions…and a host of compelling Barcelonan secrets along the way!

    This walking tour brings the medieval Gothic Quarter to life as you learn about Barcelona’s transcendental artists, culture, cuisine, personalities and history. During your primer on Barcelona, you will also hear of the city’s darkest secrets – secrets you won’t hear on any other tour.

    We conclude our wonderful journey through Barcelona by relaxing and sharing refreshing complementary sangria in true Catalonian style. While we sip, your guide will share valuable recommendations on what to see, where to eat/drink and what you can’t miss during your unforgettable stay in Barcelona.

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