Beat the heat, see Gozo’s night-time splendor and immerse yourself in the best of Festa with our Sunset Tuk-Tuk Tour. Watch a glorious sunset from The Citadel, or Sanap Cliffs. Gozo’s ancient fortified city, The Citadel towers over our capital with spectacular 360° views of our hills and valleys. Sanap Cliffs is a secret coastal high-point on our south coast. Guests are given time to enjoy our medieval architecture and trek across rugged coastal trails, before the sun sets and Mother Nature paints a canvas of colours across Gozo’s sky. This tour packs in history, nature and traditional culture. See a village celebrating festa, elaborately decorated and lit up. The parish church will be covered inside and out with twinkling lights, as gilded statues line the streets and colourful banners (bandalori) hang overhead in a show of celebration to their patron saint.