Johor Tour ends in Singapore - Lasertag, Eco Farm, Go Kart [Car]


clock12 hours


    The best arrangement to end the Johor Bahru family staycation and enjoying a free transfer to Singapore. Start the trip with an action game which encourage quality family bonding time at Laser Battle. After a 60 mins ride with cartoon movie, feed the small animals and learn the interesting fun facts of the Eco farm and perfectly ends the day by having an adrenaline-filled racing go-kart and being surprised to see how your kids can actually drive so well even for the first timer. This tour program and transportation arrangement is tailored made for family with kids age from 1 to 12 years old and explore the day trip at your own pace. We will start the trip from Johor Bahru hotel and ends in Singapore in a day

    * Feed and cuddle various small animal in the eco-farm
    * Enjoy the natural beauty of plants and local tropical fruits trees
    * Entertained by cartoon movies in the private transport
    * Amazed by the kid's driving skills and empower them

What to Expect


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