Lake to Summit Hike Tour at Åre Village


clock8 hours


    To walk from the village of Åre up on top of Mt Åreskutan (1420 masl) is a great summer adventure but can also be done during the winter with the help of snowshoes. Join us on this unforgettable experience where you will see the better part of the mountain and the magical ravines. Excellent views accompany us as we make progress and most of the hike is done above the treeline. Try some Local Swedish Fika on the way (coffee and buns) and learn more about the history of the mountain and how Åre got to become "the Alpine Sports Capital" of Scandinavia. With you on the hike will be a local and certified mountain leader who will host your adventure in a friendly and welcoming way. So, what are you waiting for- Put on the boots and come join us for a great day in the mountains.

What to Expect


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Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation