Our signature massage services combine Ladamer massage oils and gels with a customized blend of massage techniques to achieve body and mind relaxation or specialist treatment for cellulite and stubborn areas or to improve circulation or detox the body.
Ladamer’s luxurious aromatic body oil helps regain a more prevent and reduce the appearance of cellulite by using anti-cellulite specific ingredients Detox and soothe the skin with this lymphatic encouraging oil. Lavender oil helps speed up lymphatic drainage and aids in the detoxification whilst relaxing the body. Ladamer’s Relaxing Massage Cream, contains Ladamer’s special ingredient called Acell-300, which is known to thoroughly hydrate the skin and aids in relaxing tensed muscles. Vitamin E helps to revitalize the skin and protects from skin aging too. We enhance your massage experience with Ladamer’s speciality gels which is perfect for those stubborn areas that you may be concerned with.