Oz Intro - 9 Day

(14 Reviews )


clock9 days


    Oz Intro is the complete working holiday or gap year package. It’s an awesome group tour and starter pack showing you the best of Sydney and beyond, that includes everything you’ll need to live, work and travel in Australia. Over 9 days we’ll show you the very best that Sydney has to offer, beach BBQs and a Harbour Cruise included, then you head
    off to Port Stephens for a couple of days of surfing, sand boarding and kangaroo spotting. Plus you’ll have an awesome Group Leader with you from the moment you step off the plane, an instant group of friends to share your adventure with and help with all your onward travel. Get ready for the trip of a lifetime!

What to Expect


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Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation
