Pokhara Paragliding - Lake, Valley & Himalayas


clock2 hours


    You soar wing tip to wing tip with the eagles, a glistening lake below you and the formidable Himalayan peaks behind you as you glide through the crisp clean air.

    You launch yourself into the sky from a gentle slope facing into the wind. There are no sudden drops or plunges or the sensation of falling, so a fear of heights is not normally a problem. So if you like the idea of drifting comfortably amongst the clouds, then why not join in this magical experience.The guides and pilots are all fully trained and experienced in Himalayan knowledge and local weather conditions. They operate with the upmost safety so you can rest at ease and enjoy your experience.

    Paragliding takes place in Pohkara. Your launching place is at Sarangkot, a hill station 25 minutes jeep drive above lake side. Sarangkot is 1600m above sea level. You launch by using the thermals and rise up above Sarangkot to see the stunning panorama of Annapunrna, Dhaulaghiri and Manaslu.


What to Expect


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Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation