Red square and Saint Basil's cathedral tour

(3 Reviews )


clock2 hours 30 minutes


    St. Basil's Cathedral stood on Red Square long before the first Romanov reigned on the throne. It survived in the Napoleonic War and World War II, could be blown up and even move to Paris. But time spared the Cathedral, and now you can touch a piece of history on your own. Come inside and admire nine small churches hidden under one world famous facade.

    Take a stroll around Red Square, which has always been considered beautiful. The best merchants, farmers, revolutionaries, soldiers, and numerous Soviet citizens walked here at different times. Imagine how GUM opened its doors for the first time!

    Listen to the lifestory of the great founder of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin and explore the modern residence of president.

    *Enjoy charming colorful "onions" on the top of Saint Basil's Cathedral;
    *Take the best photos that will make your friends jealous;
    *Count all the towers of the ancient Kremlin and try to guess what color had the walls before.

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