Small group guided tour - Beaune by night


clock1 hour 30 minutes



    Located in the heart of the prestigious Burgundy vineyard, Beaune contains many unmissable monuments such as the Notre-Dame collegiate church or the famous Hôtel Dieu - Hospices de Beaune, with its famous colorful roof.
    We will visit the streets of the city together at night! It will reveal itself to you from a different angle. Appreciate its illuminated monuments while learning about its rich history! From the market place to the place Carnot, an original and fun way to discover its heritage!

    From June to September - illuminations on monuments from June 21.

    The health rules linked to the Covid-19 crisis are respected.
    The guide will wear a mask and use hydroalcoholic gel. Wearing a mask is compulsory for participants.
    The course is studied in order to respect the safety distances.

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