Tour the 7 Churches of Revelation of Asia Minor in 5 Days


clock5 days


    The Seven Churches of Revelations or the Churches of Apocalypse that are in the book of John refer to seven major cities through Western Turkey: Thyatira-Sardis-Laodicea-Philadelphia-Hierapolis-Aphrodisias. All these places provided a relatively safe haven for the Early Christians. For those looking to make a spiritual journey, Turkey cannot be overlooked.

    Explore Pergamum, actually called Bergama and is one of the sites of the Seven Churches of Asia [Rev. 1:11; 2:12]. We explore the impressive Acropolis and is the steepest theatre in the world. Visit of the most picturesque areas of the Seven Churches of Asia [Rev. 1:11; 3:1-4], Sardis which was the capital of the ancient Lydian kingdom of the 6th century BC and portrayed as a dying church.

    You will venture to the UNESCO-listed Ephesus where you will see one of the worlds best-preserved ancient site and see where Virgin Mary spent her final days at the House of the Virgin Mary.

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