TriBeCa/SoHo Walking Tour of Music and the Arts


clock1 hour 30 minutes


    Explore TriBeCa and SoHo by foot on a fascinating tour led by a genuine New York City local guide. As you stroll from site to site in this often overlooked area of the city, hear fun facts and tales about its rich history, music history, art culture, and people. Stop for photos at must-sees such as the infamous Mudd Club and Wetlands Preserve, infamous sites where many bands of yore played their first New York City Show. See locations of a few recording studios vital to many recording groups big and small, plus locations where a few of those album covers were shot. Explore the most filmed and photographed street in a still ungentrified alley separation SoHo an TriBeCa. Stretch your legs with walks the gridless streets of the western corner of Manhattan. See famous headquarters of who you're gonna call when things get spooky.

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