Upside Down House Gallery Melaka Ticket


clock1 to 2 hours


    Step into the crazy side of Melaka and turn your world upside down for a good laugh with your friends and family at the Upside Down House Gallery! Modeled after the archetypal Malaysian house, the exhibition is divided into 5 sections – living room, kitchen, kids' room, master bedroom, and bathroom. All are well-furbished with home interiors and decorations, except they're designated in their usual places upside down! Make the most out of your experience in this unique space and be sure to strike some wacky poses! Don't hesitate to ask any member of the staff, they might even suggest some funny ideas for your snaps!# How To Get There: ## By Car - From Jonker Street, the gallery is about 10 minutes away - From Mahkota Parade, the gallery is about 3 minutes away - From Kuala Lumpur, drive about 2 hours along Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan to the gallery.

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