Crazy Dash Walking Adventure of Aurora, CO


clock2 hours


    Crazy Dash is a digital scavenger hunt that allows you to explore either your city or a new city in a unique way! The adventure uses a scavenger hunt app to give you a list of fun and crazy tasks to complete, as well as some fun things to look for and find around the city. At some of the items, you will be asked to complete a challenge for even more points! Don't worry, you won't be alone. A remote guide will be monitoring your progress and will be texting you along the way..

    Crazy Dash is a family friendly scavenger hunt, it's great for all ages! Crazy Dash scavenger hunt is all about enjoying yourself with friends or family, whether it's taking advantage of all the crazy challenges to complete or stumbling upon a cool new place in the city.

What to Expect


Additional Info

Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation