Adventure lovers, ready for a fun,challenging and IMMERSIVE adventure through the bustling town of Kona- This scavenger hunt is part detective adventure, social experience and history walk. Seek answers throughout Kona to clues about Hawaiian history and culture, meet friendly locals, learn some Hawaiian and get super creative with photo and video...Read more
This creative& fun adventure is set in the Hawaii Volcanos National park. Come ready for an exhilarating adventure. You have 2.5 hours to complete your mission sheets complete with creative challenges, social experiments & being a detective on the hunt. Each hunt offers a unique opportunity to take a deeper dive into the culture,history and...Read more
Glamorous professional photo shoot in unique Island of Hawaii locations. The Photo Experience will create amazing photo memories from your visit. You will be able to see undiscovered locations, and get the best photo story from your Island of Hawaii visit. We can tailor each photo shoot to meet your requirements.