Prijs per groep van 2-6 personen. Binnen 2 uur leidt de Qula Haarlem City Trail je langs de leukste plekjes van Haarlem, terwijl je leuke raadsels en opdrachten op je smartphone speelt. Probeer een topscore neer te zetten met familie of vrienden en verken de stad. Er zijn geen vaste starttijden of reserveringen, je kiest je eigen dag en tijd. De...Read more
Lots of fun in 3 hours! Cheap! You only pay € 58.50 per team Discover the unique places of Haarlem in a fun way! You decide what time you want to start and you play at your own...Read more
Specifically for children between the ages of 8 and 14! Enjoy 3 hours full of fun! It's cheap! You only have to pay €58,50 per team. Discover the most unique places in Haarlem in a fun way! It's up to you to decide at what time you'll start and at what pace you'll...Read more
Lots of fun in 3 hours! Cheap! You only pay € 58.50 per team Discover the unique places of Haarlem in a fun way! You decide what time you want to start and you play at your own...Read more
Lots of fun in 3 hours! Cheap! You only pay € 58.50 per team Discover the unique places of Haarlem in a fun way! You decide what time you want to start and you play at your own...Read more