Kagoshima is a seaside city In Japan, located on the island of Kyushu. The city is famous for housing Sakurajima, an active volcano which serves as a sightseeing destination for tourists. The city is often compared with Naples of Italy seeing as they have similar climate and temperament of inhabitants.
Sightseeing is recommended as one of the exciting activities to start with when visiting the city. On these tours you get to visit the samurai village, the yakushima island ancient cedar forest or the beautiful Sengan-en. During walking tours, tourists can go stream climbing it biking or take travel on foot round the city. Day trips take you right from the coast of the yakushima to various places in the city like Nagasakibana Observatory and Lake Ikeda. There are also water sport activities to participate in during the day for tourists that want to enjoy the seaside and water. You can go on shore excursions and get a custom made kimono for yourself while at it too.
There are cultural tours available, to enable you get acquainted with the history and culture of the city. Interesting outdoor activities you should not miss while in the city include q harvesting experience at the farm at the foot of sakurajima volcano, and stream climbing. During food tours, tourists get to watch the processing of Kagoshimas staple food "Miso", have private kitchen experiences, visit the distillery and taste their mouth watering cuisine. Luxury special occasions provide the opportunity to get exclusive access to different wonderful sights in the city. To get a more enhanced experience, tourists can get guides to take them on private tours around the city. Tripindicator provides more information about the attractions in the city on their website.
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