Experience an authentic geisha performance and entertainment with multi-course kaiseki dinner, including an English host/interpreter at a ryoutei, or traditional Japanese restaurant, for a small...Read more
"Shinjuku comedy club" was formed with people who play active roles on stage, shows and TV programs like America's got talent "all over the world. This is a one hour event, featuring magic and non verbal comedy such as mimicry and so on, which is sure to entertain anyone from the world. In light of the upcoming Olympics in Japan, let ’s...Read more
Step back in history as you enter the traditional dojo of a shinobi-samurai clan. The shinobi-samurai were the samurai warriors who trained the ninjas and led them to work for warriors governments. (Ninja is a new name. The old name for a ninja was shinobi.) The clan gives an exclusive show and experience to small group of people (20 persons...Read more